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Volatility transmissions across international oil market

ScienceDirecthttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140988320300803Volatility transmissions across international oil market, …2021年1月1日 · In terms of the magnitude, the oil market has the largest impact on the wheat market with A(2,3) valued at 0.173. Similarly, our results reveal no shock and volatility spillover effects from all the commodity markets to global oil market as A(3,2) and B(3,2) coefficients remain insignificant.

Transcript How shale rewrote the global oil order

Financial Timeshttps://www.ft.com/content/d5a29d6e-381a-45e3-95e9-7193ff136ed5Transcript: How shale rewrote the global oil order - Financial …2024年5月1日 · There was this kind of massive fear in global oil markets that there would be a huge disruption to global oil supply that didn’t really bear out over the subsequent months. So in some ways ...

Oil shocks and global economy

ScienceDirecthttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140988322005023Oil shocks and global economy - ScienceDirect2022年11月1日 · The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020 2 shows that oil was still in 2019 the main primary energy consumption in the U.S. (39.1% of global primary energy consumption), total Europe (36.3%), total OECD countries (38.4%) and the world (33.1%). Thus, crude oil market seems to be the largest commodity market and any change in this market may have …